
Day 19

After sleeping in the car for the first time on our trip we left for Berkeley. It was a cold night but we slept alright. The drive from Eureka was long and windy. The day was kind of dreary but the views were amazing. We stopped once in Gualala and then drove the rest of the way to Berkeley. We were both feeling pretty sick; the road wound allong the coast with sharp turns every couple of minuets, so our speed was slow and we were fealing crappy. We got into Berkeley arround 4 in the afternoon and decompressed for the rest of the day. We had showers and napped. Then we went to the grocery store and bought food for dinner which we promptly ate. We called it an early night and went to bed around 10:30.

1 koment:

Anonim tha...

Where were your host & hostest when you arrived at Berkely? Grandpa